A statement from the DVSA on the current situation
NASP have shared the most recent statement from the DVSA updating their current position on Instructors going back to work. 20.5.2020
Further to our recent discussions and your requests for an update on DVSAs latest position, I write to provide the below statement.
“Using the latest Government guidance, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) is working closely with the Approved Driving Instructors National Association Strategic Partnership (NASP) to develop appropriate plans and control measures. The DVSA will keep the situation under review and provide further information over the next few weeks.
Our top priority is to stop the spread of coronavirus and keep everyone safe, but it’s also important we are able to provide people whose work is critical to the coronavirus response the ability to take a driving test if they have an essential need.
It is up to the individual driving instructor whether they feel comfortable to instruct critical workers during this time, and we are grateful to those who have continued to teach those who need an essential test. We have shared the personal protective arrangements we’ve made for examiners with NASP, which may help instructors develop their own arrangements during this time.
All ADIs should put in place appropriate health and safety measures, in line with the latest Public Heath England and Cabinet Office guidance, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
At this point in time our guidance remains as detailed in the DVSA Chief Executives letter and DVSA FAQs both hosted on the National Associations Strategic Partnership website (www.n-a-s-p.co.uk). We will provide further updates on driving lessons and driving tests in due course.” I trust this provides some further clarity that the DVSA position has not changed at this time, however we expect to provide further information over the next few weeks.
We at NASP would also remind you of the recent statement from DVSA on their Twitter feed which stated: We advise driving instructors to limit instruction to key workers preparing for an essential driving test. We are keeping this under review and will provide further information as soon as we can.