Cyclist in their 20s in danger
New analysis looks into age, method an risk on the road
21-30 year olds are the most likely to be killed or seriously injured in road traffic collisions.
These are the conclusions that come from a review of national government statistics by law firm JMW Solicitors.
They have calculated accident rates per age group, by road user – including pedestrians, car drivers and passengers, cyclists and motorcyclists.
The accident rate for pedestrians aged 21-30 years was 282 per 100,000 people. Meanwhile, the rate for car drivers and pedestrians was 49 per 100,000 people. For motorcyclists of the same age it is 902 per 100,000 motorcycle owners.
Richard Powell, JMW Solicitors, believes “educating road users” is essential to improve road safety. This can be as simple “reminding people to look left, then right and left again before crossing the road”. Another is driver showing “more consideration towards other road users by allowing pedestrians to cross the road and giving cyclists a little extra space”. He added that “those not in vehicles should ensure they are not distracted when around the road”. Listening to music or using phones are increasingly problematic.
Two wheels
For cyclists, those aged between 31-40 years were most likely to be killed or seriously injured in a road traffic collision. The rate is 23 per 100,000 bicycle owners.
A survey by the law firm revealed that 35% of cycling respondents have been involved in a collision. It seems to be part of reason why 10% of the 1500 respondents said they no longer cycle on the road. When asked why, most people described cycling on the road as being ‘dangerous’, ‘risky’ and ‘not safe’.
Age and activity
The least likely age groups to be involved in road traffic accidents differed per road user type, as follows:
- 61-70 year olds are the least likely pedestrians to killed or seriously injured – 116 per 100,000 people
- Children aged 0-10 years are the least likely car passengers to be killed or seriously injured – just under seven per 100,000 people
- Motorcyclists aged over 70s are the least likely to be killed or seriously injured – 190 per 100,000 motorcycle owners