DVSA continues to look at way to increase driving tests
New study into increasing tests by examiners
From the DVSA:
Between 1 September and 10 September, DVSA is carrying out a further study into the impact of increasing the number of driving tests an examiner can do per day. This piece of work will help DVSA understand the health and wellbeing impacts of an increased schedule on driving examiners.
The study will involve driving examiners who are geographically spread across Great Britain. Half will carry out 8 tests per day using the new testing schedule and the other half will continue to use the existing 7 test programme.
Reducing driving test waiting times
We know how frustrated and disappointed your pupils feel about the increased waiting time for a driving test. Reducing the current waiting times for a driving test is a matter of national importance and DVSA, driving examiners, you and your pupils all have a crucial role to play in this.
Increasing the number of tests examiners can offer during their normal working day is one of a range of measures we are taking to reduce driving test waiting times as quickly and safely as possible.
A national roll out of all full-time examiners carrying out 8 tests per day during their normal working hours would increase the number of available driving test appointments by an average of 15,000 to 20,000 each month.
The study
We will not cancel any tests to accommodate the study, but the original scheduled start time of the examiners carrying out 8 tests a day may be brought forward by up to an hour. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
If you or your pupil are not able to make the new test start time, they must contact the DVSA Customer Service Centre on 0300 200 1122 as soon as possible. They will need their driving licence number and test reference number when they call.
We will email affected candidates to let them know as soon as possible. If a test you have booked on behalf of your pupil is affected, you need to let them know of any change to their appointment.
Test will be carried out as normal but there is a risk that those being carried out on the new schedule may overrun. So we ask that you and your pupils are patient and flexible whilst we test the new schedule.
The study will not involve a third party sitting in on tests.
Keeping you, your pupils and our driving examiners safe is our top priority. The trial is being carried out in line with our COVID-19 safety measures.
Keeping you updated
We will update you about the next steps on increasing the number of tests when we can.
More information
Check GOV.UK for the latest about:
• theory tests
• driving tests
• instructor guidance