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Be part of a new Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Driving Instructor
Intelligent Instructor is offering driving instructor trainers the opportunity to be part of a new industry guide.
It is also looking for contributions from all ADIs and PDIs commenting on the resources that you think are essential and helpful for becoming a driving instructor and making a success of this new career.
Driving success
Some say there has never been a better time to become a driving instructor.
Demand from learners is at an all-time high, partially fuelled by the backlog caused by the period of inactivity during the pandemic.
Also, according to the numbers currently in the education system, the number of young people who will be looking to learn to drive over the next decade looks like it will grow.
So, there is little chance of demand abating, and with it comes increasing hourly rates for ADIs.
Becoming a driving instructor is as financially more attractive than ever, and Intelligent Instructor is looking to help prospective new instructors understand what it involves and how to make the most of the opportunities.
The road to becoming a fully qualified driving instructor requires hard work.
Government statistics for the period up to June ‘23 show that the pass rate for the Part 1 test (theory) was 37.5%, the Part 2 test (driving ability) was 53.2%, and Part 3 (instructional ability) was 34.8%.
Individuals need more helpful advice to improve these statistics, and this guide will offer them help and support through this journey.
Comprehensive advice
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Driving Instructor will be an A5, 52-page magazine available in digital and printed format.
It’ll be packed with impartial, comprehensive, and detailed information for individuals looking to become driving instructors or those currently in training.
As a step-by-step guide, it will offer comprehensive information about the training process, how to undergo the necessary training, and top tips and advice for starting out.
ii aims to provide the resources for a stress-free transition into becoming a fully qualified ADI.
The magazine will cover the following topics:
- Why become a driving instructor?
- How to become a driving instructor
- Qualification process explained: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 The training process
- Training directory
- Driving instructor skills
- Business advice.
Helping you help us
ii is calling for trainers within the industry to get in contact with their details for a free basic listing in the Training Directory.
This is a comprehensive list of all training providers in the UK.
To be included, simply provide your business name, website address, contact name and telephone.
They are also looking for ideas on truly valuable resources for ADIs who have completed their training or PDIs currently in training.
As an ADI, PDI, or even a trainer, what resources do you recommend, such as books, online resources, apps, social media groups, etc.?
What are your top tips for those thinking about becoming a driving instructor, those currently in training, or even those who have recently passed the tests and are just beginning their new professional career and business?
Please email [email protected] (before the 8th August) with your thoughts, expert advice and valuable experience, and potentially get your name in print or your business in the directory.
Help us, help you, help our industry.