The letter below has been emailed to Grant Shapps Secretary of State for Transport, Baroness Vere Under Secretary of State for Transport, and Loveday Ryder CEO DVSA with senior DVSA staff included to encourage a change in the law to extend the expiry date on theory certificates:
Dear …….
I write to you as the current chairman of the National Associations Strategic Partnership (NASP) representing driver trainers across Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the steering group, and key consultative stakeholder, for the driver and rider training industry. I am sure you are aware of the situation that is now getting out of control regarding theory test certificates, we would appeal to you to revisit this situation. You will be aware that many learner drivers have been adversely affected during the pandemic, I know Government visited this issue during the first lockdown and rejected an extension to theory certificates even although Northern Ireland did allow an extension.
This was done on the grounds of road safety, surely if it was not considered unsafe in Northern Ireland where it was extended for 8 months, we should reconsider our position. By way of using some comparisons, the government agreed to extend the MOT certificate, surely a much larger road safety risk, the government also extended driver licences, there must have been an element of risk involved here also, it seems to us that not to extend these certificates would put even more pressure on many young people who are already suffering severe stress at the uncertainty of their future with having their education thrown into turmoil with the constant movement in the exam structure.
I would urge you to find a way to amend the law that would allow an extension to everyone who’s theory certificate is going to expire throughout this year and simply extend until the same date in 2022, this would hopefully make sure that as we ease out of the pandemic people would not be even more penalised by losing their practical test slots through no fault of their own. It is also important to take into account the situation with your provider, Pearson Vue, at the moment they are not able to supply theory test at all in many parts of the country for various reasons, this will put even more strain on learners across the board if they are forced through no fault of their own to retake the theory test as they may have to wait up to four months to get a booking then goodness knows how long after that to be able to sit a practical test, all in all totally unacceptable, Im sure you would agree.
I hope you can expedite this request on behalf of all the learners across the country and look forward to your early reply.
Yours faithfully
Peter Harvey MBE
Current Chair NASP
Can You Help?
We are asking ADIs to write to their MP to canvas their support for the change in legislation that will be needed to get rid of the current unfairness. You can find your MP’s address using this link.
Below is a suggested template:
I am writing to you as an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor) in your constituency, I would like you to encourage Grant Shapps our current Secretary of State for Transport, on my behalf to take steps to amend the current law surrounding theory test certificates, many of your constituents are being disadvantaged as their certificate is due to expire (2yr time limit) and they are being forced to retake the test, I know Government visited this issue during the first lockdown and rejected an extension to theory certificates even although Northern Ireland did allow an extension.
This was done on the grounds of road safety, surely if it was not considered unsafe in Northern Ireland where it was extended for 8 months, we should reconsider our position. By way of using some comparisons, the government agreed to extend the MOT certificate, surely a much larger road safety risk, the government also extended driver licences, there must have been an element of risk involved here also, it seems to us that not to extend these certificates would put even more pressure on many young people who are already suffering severe stress at the uncertainty of their future with having their education thrown into turmoil with the constant movement in the exam structure.
I would urge you to find a way to amend the law that would allow an extension to everyone who’s theory certificate is going to expire throughout this year and simply extend until the same date in 2022, this would hopefully make sure that as we ease out of the pandemic people would not be even more penalised by losing their practical test slots through no fault of their own. It is also important to take into account the situation with the provider, Pearson Vue, at the moment they are not able to supply theory test at all in many parts of the country for various reasons, this will put even more strain on learners across the board if they are forced through no fault of their own to retake the theory test as they may have to wait up to four months to get a booking then goodness knows how long after that to be able to sit a practical test, all in all totally unacceptable, I’m sure you would agree.
I hope you can expedite this request on behalf of all the learners in your constituency and look forward to your early reply.
Yours faithfully