Part 3 test and Standards Check working
Changes introduced to the Part 3 test will be kept
From the DVSA:
DVSA has reviewed changes made to ADI part 3 test and standards checks.
Keeping the current changes
DVSA is keeping part 3 and standards check at 45 minutes across Great Britain. Tests carried out during the pandemic have shown that it gives enough time for instructors to properly demonstrate all of the required competences and use appropriate instructional techniques.
There is no evidence that the shortened test has resulted in any detriment to standards.
Feedback from examiners carrying out the tests is that the shorter period has led to a more focused assessment.
DVSA will also continue to ask that your pupil who you bring to these tests must be at least partly trained.
This is because beginner lessons tend to have a greater proportion of stationary instruction, and we need to be able to assess the instructor’s ability to control the lesson in a moving environment.
Allowing trainers to sit in on tests
Trainers are allowed to sit in on ADI part 3 and standards checks in England and are encouraged to do so.
It is still not possible for ADI trainers to sit in on ADI part 3 and standards checks in Wales or Scotland as only essential car sharing can be undertaken under the Scottish and Welsh Government’s current guidance.
We will keep this under review.