Tom is an ORDIT registered trainer delivering all aspects of training to PDIs, ADIs and instructor trainers as well as still delivering learner lessons. He is head of training for the ADIJNC as well as the chair of his local instructor association. He’s been an ADI for 12 years and has a background in training and sports coaching, specifically climbing.

Tom Stenson

This  online session will be all about how to raise the standards for your learners and yourself. Raising your own standards with CPD and practice can not only improve your job satisfaction but can also fill in those “we don’t know what we don’t know” gaps. Building your knowledge and understanding in different areas will also help you to raise the standards for your learners and trainee instructors.

We will be discussing several areas that can be developed with simple techniques. These easy to use techniques will help you to develop your understanding of your learners/trainees, how we can overcome obstacles in learning, and how we can’t always trust what our brain tells us. We will use peer discussion, videos and exercises to practice and demonstrate how to we can encourage learners to think more for themselves in order to create “thinking” drivers, in a hope to reduce road collisions even more.


Five takes outs delegates will get from this session:

1. What standards should we be aiming for.

2. How to raise the standards in your clients and yourself.

3. Understanding our clients and how biases can affect us and them.

4. Techniques for creating thinking drivers (GDE Matrix)

5. How to make learning more engaging.


Date/Time:   Online (Zoom), Tuesday, 23rd July’24, from 6-8pm.

£30 for members of ADINJC, ii+ or ADI Network . £36 for standard tickets.

You can join the ADINJC by clicking here. You can join ADI Network free by clicking here

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