
Legislation & Regulation

Euro Driving fines league

Driving around countries in Europe, friends in tow, is a dream for many when they learn to drive. However, not…


EV sales see global rise

European nations are leading the way in new Electric Vehicle (EV) sales. This is despite the emergence of Mainland China…


Driving in Europe after Brexit: what to look out for!

With Brexit just weeks away, Brits who are planning to drive abroad have been warned to check they are compliant with the EU rules of the road.

Four reasons behind the UK and European road differences

It’s been revealed that Ford’s The Model T car may be the reason that British and European drivers follow different road rules.
Road Safety

One week until #ProjectEDWARD

Project EDWARD, organised by TISPOL, was first first started in 2016, with the aim of having one day without a…

Technology & Innovation

Mandatory speed limiters to be fitted to all new cars in Europe within three years

Sitting among a range of new safety features due for all new cars, the mandatory speed limiters come as part…

Road Safety

Learner dies after car stalls on level crossing in Poland

Safety at level crossing across Europe and responsibility of driving test examiners under the spotlight

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