The mask is back
NASP guidelines on wearing face coverings in England from 30th November 2021
The government in England have announced that the wearing of face coverings will be legally required in most places including during driving lessons in England from 4am on the 30th November.
The legal need to wear a face covering in certain places will be reviewed in 3 weeks’ time, however, there has been no change in the law in Scotland or Wales, the wearing of face coverings during lessons still remains mandatory
It is also important to wear face coverings:
• indoors, in any situation which is crowded, or where people are close together
• if asked to by any “competent authority”
• if someone else was uncomfortable, as a “common courtesy”
Why is continuing to wear a face covering been made compulsory in our industry:
• Evidence suggests transmission is mostly happening in indoor spaces where people are in close proximity.
• Face coverings worn over the nose and mouth reduce the spread of coronavirus droplets from coughs, sneezes and speaking.
• The main purpose is to protect others from Covid, rather than yourself. If everyone wears one, the risks drop for all.
• Masks can also help reduce virus spread from people who may be contagious but have no symptoms.
• Cutting virus transmission is important because many people are still not yet fully vaccinated.
• Some new virus variants appear more transmissible than earlier Covid strains.
NASP considers personal responsibility will mean refreshed risk assessments for ourselves on an individual basis and similarly for each individual client.
NASP recommend that:
• You wear a face covering to protect you and others on all lessons unless a valid exemption is provided.
• You continue to sanitise the car as we have been doing during Covid and to continue to use hand sanitiser
• NASP recommend that you take regular lateral flow tests and ask your clients to do the same before coming out for a driving lesson.
DVSA have not issued any guidelines at the time of publishing this, we will update you of any changes as soon as we hear from the DVSA.
Lynne Barrie current chair, on behalf of NASP.