Learning to drive

Teaching & Training

Learner abuse

Learner drivers are on the receiving end of more abuse than ever before. That’s the conclusion of a report by…

Teaching & Training

Falling flat

A majority of European motorists would not attempt to deal with a tyre puncture at the roadside themselves. The results…

Teaching & Training

Summer satisfaction

Work and education are the top motivations for young people to learn to drive and pas their test. That’s the…

Teaching & Training

Still in the slow lane

It is five years since a law was introduced permitting learner drivers on motorways. However, more than half of drivers…


Practice makes perfect

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency recommends that learners should have aim for around 22 hours of supervised private practice.…

Teaching & Training

Young people want to drive

An “overwhelming majority” of young people aged 17 to 24 expect to be driving regularly in the future.  Aside from…

Teaching & Training

Is it time to regulate learning costs?

Learner drivers are now paying over £2500 to get their licence according to data crunching by Quotezone.co.uk. This represents a…

Teaching & Training

Never give up

Practice makes perfect for one learner driver. However, the number of test attempts may be a warning about about a…

Teaching & Training

Time to learn

According to The Telegraph, Nicola Sturgeon is in the “early stages” of learning to drive. As she prepares to stand…

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