As you were
MoT processes remain unchanged after Government consultation
The MoT test carries on as before.
Following the conclusion of the Government consultation process, the legal remains in place and unchanged.
It had launched its consultation in January last year to ensure roadworthiness checks continue to balance the cost to motorists, road safety, advances in vehicle technology and tackling vehicle emissions.
Failed the test
Following a government search for ways to save the public money in light of a growing cost of living crisis, reducing the requirements for an MoT was one idea presented by the then Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Schapps.
Proposals included changing the frequency of the vehicle safety test and improving the monitoring or emissions. The Government believed pushing the requirement for the first MOT back from three to four years would save money.
However, it has today announced there will be no changes. This means that the first MOT will still be taken three years after a new car, van or motorcycle is registered, with subsequent tests every year after that.
Happy motorists
The publishing of the decision has been welcomed by industry figures.
Simon Williams, head of policy at RAC, said: “It’s great news the madcap idea of changing the MOT from every year to every two has finally been consigned to the bin.
“This would have seriously compromised road safety and ended up costing drivers more money rather than less as it was supposed to do, due to dangerous issues going undetected and getting progressively worse.
“This is why the idea was so widely unpopular with the motoring public in our research.”
Meanwhile, Graham Stapleton, chief executive of Halfords, described the decisions as “a victory for road safety”.
“The proposed changes would have cost lives. As it is, we are seeing more and more vehicles come into our garages at MOT with tyres that are below the legal minimum tread,” added Stapleton.
“Far from rowing back on road safety, we should be doing all we can to encourage and enable motorists to keep their vehicles in a roadworthy condition.”
Advisory notes
In an attempt to salvage some credibility for the idea, the Government announced it will continue to look into the issue. It will work with industry stakeholders and drivers to establish a programme of longer-term reform for MOTs. This is aimed to reflect the constantly improving technology of modern day cars and electric vehicles.
It will include exploring a more effective test for diesel particulate emissions. Also looking at further improvements to the MOT for EVs, as well as the transfer of some larger zero-emissions vans to more standard, car-style MOT testing.
Fit for purpose
Neil Barlow, head of vehicle policy at DVSA, said: “Ensuring the MOT remains fit for the future is a key part of DVSA’s work and getting ready for new technology will help keep Britain’s roads safe.
“We hope this positive news will provide some certainty for garages to enable the investment in new technologies that could be needed to keep the MOT at the forefront of road safety and the environment.”
Dft will also monitor technological developments that could require an altered MOT, such as advanced driver assistance systems.