Government funding

Government Investment

Holes in the plans

In the first 100 days of the new Labour government, infrastructure has been a central focus. A particular emphasis has…

Government Investment

Filling holes

The ‘biggest ever’ road resurfacing programme has been announced byn the government. £8.3 billion of funds has been allocated by…

Road Safety

Improving dangerous roads

More money is being provided to improve dangerous roads around the nation. The Government has announced £47.5 million in funding…


Motor manufacturing calling for essential support

The motor industry needs urgent help from the government. That’s the view from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders…

Government Investment

Are British roads getting worse? Councils struggle to fund £10 billion pothole plague

The cost of a one-time catch-up to deal with this huge road maintenance backlog has been valued at a staggering £9.8 billion…

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