The DVSA have updated their guidance on ADI registration and qualifications. This has been done principally to reduce any confusion caused by the pandemic.

From the DVSA:

Because of coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions, we’ve published advice about what to do if:

• your ADI registration expires soon
• you were issued a trainee driving instructor licence in January 2021
• your trainee driving instructor licence expires soon
• you’re thinking about applying for a trainee driving instructor licence

Check the full guidance about ADI qualification and registration on GOV.UK.

Other Questions

Meanwhile, the ADINJC has provided a few further areas of clarification by the DVSA to questions asked by their members:

I cannot work at the moment as I am observing the government’s social distancing advice. Will I be given an extension to my registration?

The registration fee is £300 for a four year period.  DVSA has no statutory power to issue partial refunds nor extend registration beyond four years

Can I pay the fee in instalments?

Legislation specifies that the fee must be paid with the application and the £300 fee is specified in regulation, so I am sorry there is no legal provision to allow payment in instalments.

My registration lapses soon, but I am observing the government’s advice on social distancing.  Do I need to renew at this time?

No, regulation provides that you can apply to re-register up to a year after your registration lapses without having to undergo the qualification process again.   When you decide to return to instruction you will need to provide an application, an up to date DBS (no older than 6 months) and pay the £300 fee.  You will need to register before you start providing paid instruction again.

However, if you have any motoring or non-motoring convictions that have not previously been taken into account, the Registrar will ask you about these before accepting your application.  You will not be able to provide paid instruction before your application is accepted.