The latest addition to the Young Driver Focus line-up has been announced.

Dr Sam Chapman will be leading a focused session on the topic of telematics.

Future focussed

Sam is the Co-Founder of The Floow, a leading telematics provider and pioneer. His work and research help to provide risk understanding and feedback to at-risk drivers and road operators globally.

In the UK this includes hundreds of thousands of younger drivers with whom feedback approaches make driving safer.

A helping hand

It’s well documented that the six months after passing the driving test are the most dangerous.

This is a difficult period where, despite the training and testing, it is real life experience that is key to a driver’s real understanding of the road.

Telematics insurance has sought to embrace this ,but provide a virtual tempering of naive actions.

By having access to real-time driving data, insurers can do what road safety professionals and parents can’t – know precisely how a car is being driven at any given moment. This opens up a world of risk reduction opportunities.

However, research shows that there is still significant resistance to telemetry from young drivers themselves. This session asks whether road safety professionals have a role to play and if so, what might it look like.

Technological solutions

Telematics insurance is one of five key areas where empirical evidence shows big reductions in young driver casualties can b made. However, it requires an increase in adoption and acceptance.

The YDF event this year will be looking at:

  • Extending the learning to drive process
  • Wearing a seatbelt
  • Choosing telematics insurance
  • Driving safer vehicles
  • Getting enough sleep

Following the presentations, facilitated sessions will give delegates the chance to consider their roles in promoting these.

If you have an interest in young drivers then this event is a great opportunity for you.

Go to: to find out more and book a ticket.