More help is now available to help drivers understand the changes to the Highway Code.

THINK! has added a series of animations to its suite of resources. These are available to help communicate the recent changes more effectively, especially to new and young drivers.


The latest changes to The Highway Code came into effect on 29 January. They have proved controversial in what they have labelled ‘the hierarchy of road users’. One particular change sees drivers turning left having to give way to pedestrians wishing to cross the road.

This new toolkit supports stakeholders in providing a greater awareness of the changes. Predominantly this will be through social media and other digital channels.

As a toolkit, it includes campaign creative assets. These amplify the campaign messages and provider a greater understanding of new regulations.

These assets include new animations, along with static social media posts and copy.

Both the toolkit and the assets are available via the DfT extranet.

Drilling down

The aim of the changes is to improve safety for the most vulnerable road users. This will be achieved by increasing the onus on drivers being more aware and taking greater responsibility.

They are based around a new hierarchy of road-users. This means drivers of quicker or heavier modes of travel have the greater responsibility to reduce the danger or threat they may pose to others on the road.

In total, there are ten sections of The Highway Code that have been changed. In turn, 50 rules being added or updated.

These include people crossing the road at junctions, walking, cycling or riding in shared spaces and overtaking when driving or cycling.