Latest COVID-19 update from the National Associations Strategic Partnership
NASP is engaged in regular communication and dialogue directly with the regulator to discuss the impact of Coronavirus on the industry.
A weekly teleconference now takes place between NASP, DVSA and other Tier One stakeholders in order to flag key queries and concerns our members have and discuss measures that are being put in place by the regulator to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak. A set of FAQs have already been circulated as a result of those meetings, and in response to the key questions the industry has at this time. This list is not exhaustive, and we therefore encourage driver and rider trainers to channel any other questions or concerns they have through their individual national association to ensure they are raised via this process. The current set of FAQs can be found on the home page of the NASP website, or will have been emailed to you by your individual association. Overleaf you will also some supplementary FAQs we received yesterday. NASP is also working on a set of safe training protocols to assist those carrying out essential key worker training, as well other guidance and advisory materials to help trainers at this challenging time.
In terms of accessing valid, trustworthy and official information and advice during this crisis, it has come to NASP member’s attention there are certain training bodies and ADI businesses who are claiming the advice and information they are providing at this time is derived from their ‘direct line’ access to DVSA and that the guidance/resources they provide is ratified by the regulator.Please be careful, the only Tier One Consultative Stakeholder to DVSA in the ADI industry is NASP (and the individual associations which constitute the partnership – those being ADINJC, DIA and MSA) and NASP are accordingly the channel through which communications and guidance from DVSA is currently delivered – other than those communications delivered directly to individual ADIs by DVSA themselves (via DVSA Direct). Please, therefore, be careful in terms of following advice from non-official stakeholder entities and we encourage trainers to validate advice or information given by such third parties with NASP members.
Stakeholder Updated FAQs for NASP
Question 1 – Could ADIs be considered key workers for this reason? Can we get some kind of verification/ID for trainers to be able to stick in window to show they are doing key worker training?
Answer: DIA, DVSA and DfT have discussed a proposal for the creation of a Verified Driver Trainer Register for those trainers working specifically with critical workers. DIA is working to create a registration platform and verification process in order for driver and rider trainers to become certified to carry our this work as a short term measure in the context of this crisis.
Question 2 – Could Motorcycle trainers also be considered key workers?
Answer: DVSA’s senior team is considering this. We will update you as soon as we can.
Question 3 – If an ADI’s registration has lapsed, or is going to during this time, they have 12 months to reapply, but they are technically considered off the register. There is concern that if they let their badge lapse and save their £300 for when they can go back to work (something DVSA has been sending to people with the intention of helping them out) then would those ADIs be considered not in work/eligible for any Government financial assistance?
Answer: Information about the government Self-Employment Income Support Scheme is available from ADIs can claim if they are trading when they apply, or would be were it not for COVID-19. Therefore, the level of financial support available should not be reduced if an ADI decides not to work during the COVID-19 pandemic. To help ADIs during the period between now and the end of June, an ADI can opt not to renew their registration if it is due to expire. We’ve also said that an ADI can cut up their certificate and have a refund if they’ve recently renewed but are not now working.
Question 4 – DVSA to help us with their checklist on identifying key workers so we can give this guidance to ADIs (police stopped one of my team doing paramedic driving back from training delivery staff the other day!)
Answer: The key worker list is published on