

VED needed for EVs

Nearly a third (29%) of electric vehicle (EV) buyers said they would be happy to pay vehicle excise duty (VED) road…

Teaching & Training

NASP and DVSA’s latest meeting

In attendance: NASP: Representatives from the three national ADI associations that make up NASP, those being ADINJC, DIA and MSA…


Can we keep EVs on the road?

The UK faces an electric vehicle (EV) skills gap. Institute of Motor Industry believes there will be too few technicians…

Teaching & Training
intensive course

Has COVID killed intensive driving courses?

Over 80% of FirstCar readers like intensive driving courses. But fewer than 5% would consider booking one until driving test waiting times return to normal.

Pills thrills and spills

ADIs have a legal obligation to explain and educate their students about the dangers of drug driving. It comes under…

Teaching & Training

HGV driver training review anounced

The Government has launched a review into HGV driver training. They searching for ways of reducing the burden for existing…


A map of car dependency in the UK

The first lockdown was expected to reduce our reliance on cars and commuting. Our view of a healthier, better work…

Teaching & Training

Learning to drive around the world

How does Britain compare in the cost of learning to drive? Costs have increased like everything else over the years. …

Road Safety

MPs call for halt to smart motorways

MPs call for the construction of new all-lane running motorways to be stopped. The new Transport Select Committee report concludes…

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