Drink driving remains a problem
IAM RoadSmart calls for more focused action to combat the road menace
Drink drive stats show no positive progress.
IAM RoadSmart is calling for new initiatives from the Government to drive down the number of drink-drive related deaths on UK roads.
New figures released from the Department for Transport confirm yet another year of stagnation. Annual drink-drive statistics highlight nine years of zero progress.
Final figures come from: Reported road casualties in Great Britain: final estimates involving illegal alcohol levels 2019. It reveals that 230 people died in crashes where at least one driver was over the drink-drive limit. An estimated 7,800 people were killed or injured when at least one driver was over the drink-drive limit. This represents an average of around 21 deaths or injuries a day. However, this only constitutes a minor fall of 10% from 8,680 in 2018.
Worryingly, the total number of crashes where at least one driver was over the alcohol limit was 5,350 in 2019, an average of around 14 crashes a day.
Need for change
IAM RoadSmart is calling for a smarter package of measures from Government. This is needed to reduce the number of drink-drive related incidents. The measures should include a further lowering of the drink-drive limit in England and Wales to match Scotland, wider use of drink-drive rehabilitation courses, fitting of alcolocks, longer running high-profile education campaigns and seizing the vehicles of repeat offenders.
Neil Greig, Director of Policy and Research at IAM RoadSmart, said: “Once again it represents little progress in reducing the carnage on UK roads caused by drink drivers.
“There is no one simple answer to reducing these figures,” says Neil. “A much smarter package of measures is needed from the Government”.
“Rehabilitation courses work, and we believe all those convicted of drink-driving should be sent on one automatically rather than having to opt in. More use of alcolocks – which requires the driver to blow into a mouthpiece on the device before starting or continuing to operate the vehicle – and extra penalties such as vehicle forfeiture could all be part of a more joined-up approach to the problem. Hard core drink-drivers are simply not getting the message, and these figures will not improve until policy changes.”
Varying picture across the country
Overall drink-driving accounted for 5% of collisions in Great Britain. The highest number of casualties, nearly 7%, occurred in Wales. England and Scotland followed at around 5% each. Regionally, casualty rates varied from nearly 8% in the East Midlands to just under 4% in Greater London.
In 2019, 78% of drink-drive related casualties involved male drivers or riders. Further, a higher proportion of casualties in drink-drive accidents were aged between 25 and 59 than in all reported accidents in 2019 (63% in drink-drive accidents compared to 56% in all accidents). Drink is also over-represented among people aged 16 to 24 (23% in drink-drive accidents compared to 19% in all accidents).
More thinking, better actions
THINK! is bringing back its Pint Block campaign. The aim is to spread the message to 17–24-year-old male drivers that a mate doesn’t let a mate drink drive.
“We welcome THINK!’s decision to reintroduce their ‘Pint Block’ campaign,” says Neil. “Drivers aged 17–24 are four times more likely to be killed or seriously injured than male drivers aged 25 or older. Such tailored education programs are effective in communicating to young adults that drink driving should be given the red light.”
The full report from DfT can be found here.