Droning on about speed
Police trial new drone cameras
Devon & Cornwall Police are using drones to help detect driving offences.
According to a report by Vision Zero South West , high harm routes throughout the region are part of a pioneering new project.
The force’s drone unit is linking up with the roads policing team, road casualty reduction officers and speed detection officers to target unsafe or irresponsible driving and riding.
What’s that sound
The operation has been launched as part of National Motorcycle Safety Week (April 3rd – 9th). It will have a particular focus on motorcyclists after a spate of collisions in 2022 . These resulted in the death or serious injury of more than 200 riders across Devon and Cornwall.
However, the drone operations will be trialled for general motoring monitoring in the region.
Using intelligence resources, the drones will help calculate vehicle speed live using fixed points on the highway. They will also record live video of all incidents, meaning any dangerous or inappropriate driving will be caught on camera.
Eye in the sky
When a vehicle is detected breaking the law, details will be relayed to officers on the ground, which will allow police to check the MOT, tax and insurance status of the motorbike and whether it is reported as stolen.
Nearby speed detection officers will then use calibrated laser cameras to accurately record the speed of the vehicle before the driver or rider is pulled over by Police road casualty reduction officers.
Depending on the offence detected, the offending motorcyclist will be given words of advice, referred on to a specific training course or issued with a fine and penalty points. In more serious cases, riders will be reported to court for prosecution or arrested on the spot.
Stopping the losses
Chief Inspector Ben Asprey is Head of Roads Policing at Devon & Cornwall Police. He’s also part of the Vision Zero South West road safety partnership’s motorcycle task group.
“Sadly last year was a terrible year for serious and fatal collisions involving motorcyclists,” state Asprey. “In 2022, 16 motorcyclists were killed on Devon and Cornwall’s roads – the highest figure in the past five years. A further 187 were also left seriously injured.
“Despite motorcyclists making up less than 1% of overall traffic, they account for roughly a third of all serious and fatal collisions in our area.”
“It’s important to remember that these aren’t just numbers, these are people’s loved ones,” he adds, as the campaign hope to reduce the carnage and losses through these operations as a deterrent as well as catching offenders.
“Speed and inappropriate riding have been major contributory factors,” Asprey continues. “Travelling too fast gives you less time to react and dramatically increases their risk of being fatally or seriously injured.
Clear picture
Devon & Cornwall Police has invested heavily in state-of-the-art drone technology, with equipment capable of operating in high and low temperatures and varying weather conditions. They are also equipped with high resolution cameras with far reaching zoom lenses.

Inspector Colin Harper of Devon & Cornwall Police’s Drone team explained why the use of drones is a game-changer in this project.
“This innovative use of drones will give us early warning of any offences and allow us to be far more targeted in our approach on the ground.
“The technology can and will be used to help detect speeding and dangerous driving in all vehicles on our roads. ”