Penalty points

Legislation & Regulation

Older and wiser?

Those aged 50-59 received the most driving penalties last year. Perhaps unsurprisingly, speeding was the most common offence. It’s also…

Road Safety

Who’s picking up the points

Where in the country are drivers more likely to penalised for poor driving? According to a  new study, thew small…

Road Safety

Belt up or fine and points

Motorists not wearing a seatbelt could soon face points on their licence. The Government is considering introducing the penalty points…

Legislation & Regulation

The worst learner drivers

Moneyshake submitted a Freedom of Information request to find out how many drivers have penalty points (or endorsements) on their…


Points mean penalties

Sometimes it seems that getting a few penalty points on a driving licence actually has little deterrent effect. The latest…

Road Safety

Older and wiser?

While we are rightly focused on young drivers and road safety, it seems that pensioners are the ones accumulating the…

Road Safety

Government announces new road safety proposals – how will they affect you?

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has revealed a major new package of measures aimed at cutting the number of people killed…

Road Safety

Road safety action plan announced to cut road deaths

Government sets out a major package of measures to reduce the number of people killed and injured on roads Action…

Road Safety

You could get a £100 fine and 3 points for not wearing shades at the wheel this summer

As the UK summer heats up, motorists are reminded to wear appropriate eyewear to protect themselves against glare and keep…

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