Articles by: Richard Borges

Legislation & Regulation

The law around drug driving – and the 9 prescription drugs that could get you arrested for it

Eight people a day disqualified for drink or drug driving in Wales alone
Technology & Innovation

Flying ‘cars’: Boeing lifts off in race to revolutionise travel

Company says prototype - part helicopter, drone and plane – lifted off and landed safely

A guide to the Standards Check

We've teamed up with SmartDriving to bring you a new series of helpful videos to prepare you for your Standards Check

Ross Grayson shares his story

Road Safety is everyone's equal responsibility
Legislation & Regulation

Petition calls for ‘immediate halt’ to shared space

A charity which campaigns on behalf of blind and visually impaired people is urging the Government to introduce legislation to prevent ‘further discrimination’ against disabled people through the use of shared space road design

Average UK petrol price drops below 120p/litre

Autumn petrol consumption rebounds to four-year high, but, overall, 2018’s inflated petrol costs lost retailers four day’s trade
Road Safety

Police forces continue campaign to tackle speeding

Police forces across the UK continue their efforts to tackle speeding drivers as part of a national speed enforcement campaign
Road Safety

Driver2020 launched with appeal for learner drivers to participate

Learner drivers are being sought to participate in a new research project to help newly-qualified drivers improve their skills and safety when they begin driving post-test
Road Safety

‘Survive the Drive’ road safety initiative being piloted at military bases

Armed forces personnel are much more likely to die in a car crash than civilians

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