
Legislation & Regulation

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A new study from the AA, has suggested that Police should be given new powers to seize and destroy a driver's phone

Toyota announce huge Hybrid vehicle recall

The Japanese car maker has announced many models have a defect that pose a fire risk and a total of 32,393 UK-registered vehicles are affected by the recall

Petrol hits highest price in over four years

Motorists have suffered fuel price rises in eight of the last 12 months, new RAC Fuel Watch data reveals
Road Safety

The Big Learner Relay for Children in Need

November 2018 will be The Big Learner Relay’s 5th year and there are plenty of ways to be involved, join the fun and fundraise.
Legislation & Regulation

Burning rubber

More than 90% of part-worn tyre dealers are selling tyres that are either unsafe or illegal, a new investigation finds
Road Safety

I spy with my little eye

Police forces to start giving an eye test for all drivers who are stopped, with drivers being tested to read a number plate at 'every opportunity'

Is driving becoming more dangerous?

Defensive driving being taken to the next level by high profile individuals
Road Safety

Over half of drivers from Northern Ireland admit speeding

Drink driving also remains a significant problem, but are attitudes changing?

Prisoners given free driving lessons

In some cases the government is funding a scheme to improve prisoners driving skills

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